Week 1 Recipes
We provide you with 4 weeks worth of recipes for the 14-Day Detox. This gives you an abundance of options to choose from. You can stick to the recipes or you can just choose foods from the “allowed” list. Completely up to...
Post Protocol Recipes
The following recipes are great options to support gut health. These recipes are for after the completion of the Elimination Diet.
Pre & Post Protocol Questionnaire
Filling out a pre and post assessment questionnaire is an important and often overlooked component of a leaky gut protocol. They are used to accurately evaluate the effectiveness and progress of the treatment. The pre-assessment questionnaire helps establish a baseline of symptoms...
Course Format: Basic Vs. Advanced Chapters
At the heart of our approach is your convenience and comprehension. That’s why our courses are structured uniquely for different levels of learning. This format enables you to navigate the content with unprecedented ease and flexibility. You can delve into each chapter...
Course Format: Basic Vs. Advanced Chapters
At the heart of our approach is your convenience and comprehension. That’s why our courses are structured uniquely for different levels of learning. This format enables you to navigate the content with unprecedented ease and flexibility. You can delve into each chapter...
Course Format: Basic Vs. Advanced Chapters
At the heart of our approach is your convenience and comprehension. That’s why our courses are structured uniquely for different levels of learning. This format enables you to navigate the content with unprecedented ease and flexibility. You can delve into each chapter...
Course Format: Basic Vs. Advanced Chapters
At the heart of our approach is your convenience and comprehension. That’s why our courses are structured uniquely for different levels of learning. This format enables you to navigate the content with unprecedented ease and flexibility. You can delve into each chapter...
An elimination diet can potentially limit your intake of certain nutrients so it can be beneficial to supplement. The most common supplements taken during an elimination diet include the following. Dr. Kneessi typically recommends incorporating a collagen protein supplement and a quality...
In our modern world, the reliance on industrialized farming practices and the subsequent depletion of vital nutrients from our soils has sparked a growing concern about the nutritional content of our food. These farming methods often prioritize yield over nutrient density, leading...
Integrative Medicine & Type 2 Diabetes
Overview Type 2 diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder that affects the way the body processes blood sugar (glucose). In this condition, the body either resists the effects of insulin, which is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels, or doesn’t produce...